Plant sciences for the future

Scope and format

The 41st New Phytologist Symposium will provide new insights into the evolutionary forces and molecular mechanisms that govern plant development and physiology, and their interactions with biotic and abiotic cues. Invited speakers from the New Phytologist Editorial Board will highlight emerging topics in plant sciences as well as the application of modern technologies to capture the complex mechanisms driving plant development, physiology, interactions and evolution.


This symposium will bring together early career and senior scientists with the aim of: 1) fostering a deeper understanding of ongoing issues in plant sciences; 2) highlighting critical gaps in the global expertise needed to succeed in our collective efforts to ensure the sustainability of agricultural and natural ecosystems and 3) promoting collaborations to facilitate the translational research required to provide robust solutions to the challenges posed by environmental changes.


Eighteen leading scientists will speak at the symposium along with early career researchers, selected to give talks following submission of poster abstracts. We hope that this will stimulate focused discussion and the exchange of ideas at what will be a relatively small (around 120 delegates) and informal meeting. There will be a poster session, excursion and symposium welcome dinner.